Friday, September 21, 2007

time to blow up the tv

Heading into week 3, it's amazing how slow the time is going. days are passing by and I am acomplishing nothing. I am trying to not be so hard on myself, but I think it's a nice day to get out of this house.
The tv is beginning to piss me off...usually I avoid the news. From the typical political BS to the guy who wants to sue God to prove a point. Even worse, the 18 yr old girl who delivered her baby in a college dorm and suffocated her. I once read that Elvis used to shoot at his tvs- pretty psychotic but now it all makes some sort of sense.
i'm tired of seeing the view- and the today show the women are annoying at times. On every channel the topic of the day is about sex and marriage. (or divorce)- Just because this stupid political woman in germany thinks all marriages should just dissolve after 7 yrs. Maybe if people stopped getting married for the wrong reasons- ie money, they think nothing better will come along, the sex- a ridiculous reason. And get rid of this "me" attitude, when the marriage no longer suits "me".
As I've said before, this heartbreaking experience of losing a child is a strain on a marriage- it can either pull people away or put them even closer together. It's not all about me- everything in my life is thought of as "we". we are going through this together, and together is the only way to make it through.
I constantly worry about dh, I know he is depressed too but doesn't want to go to anyone to talk about it. I can understand, and all I can do is be there when he wants to talk.

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