Thursday, February 11, 2010


Pregnancy always means crazy dreams. Maybe this is a time where we process all of our emotional "stuff: good and bad. Maybe it's the hormones or that chocolate ice cream I ate before bed. Either way I am amazed at my dreams lately. For a while they were so ridiculous I started forgetting them. This week I've had a few that left me mystified.
In one dream my little bean was here. He was a beautiful baby boy with lots of black hair. He was not tiny but more like a baby of 6 months at least. He seemed to advance in age. Like I imagine myself as a new mother, I was scrambling trying to figure out what to do for him. He was not fussing, but I guess I was trying to decide to feed or bathe him. I was extremely nervous about fulfilling his needs and not knowing what they were in that moment. I went to gather bath supplies and suddenly realized I was able to "receive" his thoughts almost telepathically. He seemed a bit demanding, yet he was peaceful and happy. I was suddenly felt calm, knowing what he needed. Love was a big part of this. My anxiety over knowing what to do was loving him so much I could only do the right thing. Also, another weird thing about this dream, when I went to hold him in my arms to nurse him, I noticed he had almost a full set of tiny baby teeth. I woke up laughing at this imagining my nipple getting bitten and maybe I shouldn't read anymore Twlight books.
The very next night I had an even more intense dream. This time I was still pregnant, sitting on the floor in a room of other people in some sort of meditation group. Among us was a child walking about the room, he (maybe she) was about 4 yrs old, maybe even younger with kind of long dark hair. It could have been a girl, as there was an angelic presence to this child. As he passed from person to person it was apparent that he was a healer. When he approached me, he placed his tiny hands on my belly and said he understood there "were others" and it just was not their time....something about "birth order" being a factor and that this baby was of the number 3, in the year of 3 (2010)! I felt that there was some kind of message of reassurance that this baby would be healthy and present...for me to not worry.
I woke up at 5:55 completely stunned at the memory of such a dream. I told Rafael right away.
He told me he was also having wild dreams of white tigers and horses ..symbols of strength and courage.

Never in my life had I felt so present in my dreams, I can only believe in the angelic message as something positive and hopeful.

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